Winter Formal Weekend
Katie's Winter Formal and our day in New York City

Flavia and Cassie. Katie's best friends.

I'll admit, I started posing for the camera in my bordom on the bus. I did it because everyone else was doing it.

Ton of people at the dance. This was only a portion of the room.

The people at the table we sat at.

New York City!

Empire State building. We couldn't go inside because the line was freagin long!

Instead, here are two views from the observation deck courtesy of

Lobby with a Christmas theme.

Saint Patrick's Cathedral. Absolutely beautiful and massive.

Here's the photo of inside. I had to take this from because when we did visit, they were having mass so no photos allowed.

Rockafeller center.

Big tree. I wanted to fit that tree in our house but my dad said it was too small. I hate having a mansion. It takes out all the fun of Christmas. I mean, who wants to help there parents hang 20 foot diameter wreaths.
Across the street was the NBC store where you can buy lots of merchandise pertaining to all the NBC stores. Not only that but they sell all the DVD's to shows that aren't on anymore. They had the 10th Anniversary of Conan O'Brien too!

Central park.

This next photo is a bit of an experiment. I took a whole bunch of photos around me because a friend of mine had a photo stitch program. To look at the whole photo, use the bottom, horizontal, scroll bar.

I just about giggled at this sign I saw in the distance. When I searched for it on the internet, it turned out to be a really luxurious hotel. *giggle*

Ground Zero and one of 3 plaques of the people who died here.

Cross formed from I beams in the trade center.

The empty void where the buildings once stood. They decided that a memorial will go in it's place. Below is what it'll look like.

Future Monument, "Reflecting Absense". There will be a water fall in both holes that go below to the list of the people who died.

This building is just across the street from the world trade centers. When the two buildings fell, it messed up the foundation of this building. Usually they'd just implode it but the subway is just underneath. They have to take it down, brick for brick.

Time Square! It was really lit up.

I tried taking a photo of this sign but the name kept dissappearing just as I took the photo.

Try number 2, failed.

Got it! We also had gone to another McDonalds that day and they had a bouncer for the upstairs eating area and bathroom. He denied an old man from using the restroom because he wasn't a paying customer. I felt bad as I passed by with my lunch in hand headed upstairs.

In this photo, you'll notice a street sign that says, "No Standing Anytime". I stood and I thought no one could do anything about it. Then a cop came up and said to keep moving.

On our way back to the meeting point, we passed by a store that I think really illustrates women's need for shoes; "Shoegasm". It's a real store in NYC anyway.

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